Scores for Saturday 24 October 2020

A gloomy grey Saturday with a forecast of strong gusting winds and rain later in the day. Definitely a day that should favour the early start. Fortunately we had two groups out by 8am to take advantage of the conditions.

The average score was higher this week reflecting that our group is adjusting to the winter conditions and benefiting no doubt from preferred lies being in play this week.

Birdies this week for Andy (11), Pete Laurence (16) and James Miller (2,9,10)

Our winner this week is Peter Creighton with 39 points. A solid front 9 of 19 followed by a more solid back 9 of 20 takes the prize. Well done Peter.

In second place is Andy Simpkin with 38 points. Andy started with a slightly below average 15 but spurred on by a birdie on 11 went on to post 23 on the back 9! Well done Andy.

The front 9 (18 points) went to Duncan who also took 4th place this week. Had Duncan not had so much trouble with the par 5s this week he may have taken the prize. 9 over gross Duncan, not bad at all, well done!

The back 9 (20 points) and 3rd place went to Paul (the champ) Gardner. Paul had a steady front 9 followed by one of 3 20+ back 9s on the day. Well done Paul.

We had 50% of our number exceed 30 points this week including James who will be no doubt grumpy that yet again he has neither won nor got any shots back. Sorry James, maybe next week.

Roger Gibbs asked me not to draw attention to his score so I will not! 

Have a great week guys, stay safe.



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