From the archives - Scores for Saturday 11 November 2017

Week 2 of lockdown 2. This week I've trawled the archives to pull out one of my early reports. You'll notice that the technology has changed somewhat since then an so has the scoring. For instance in 2017 at this late stage of the season, James had only got 9/18 birdies and Pete Laurence was joint top in the eclectic gross with a score of 62 points! My handicap was 29 and Jock was off 8! Oh, and our South African friend was winning everything!

Well, a lot of water under the bridge since those simpler times.

Only three more weeks to go chaps, hang on in there!

The report

Congratulations to Coenraad who wins again! 

Congratulations to Keith Rowden – Consistency was what mattered in what were awful playing conditions this week and who is more consistent than Keith? Ok, Coenraad is but he didn’t play!

Keith only just snuck ahead of James on countback, James takes second place with 29 points.

Martin takes the front 9 on another countback with Andy Simpkin – Congratulations to the happy couple!

Much to his surprise Paul Stammers takes the back 9 from Pete Laurence on the 3rd and final countback of the day

Poor scoring in difficult conditions today means that the average was very low and very little increase in handicaps. John gets +0.7, Roger gets + 0.5, Pete and Martin Deery both get +0.1

A special thank-you to Ceonraad for letting someone else take the prize money this week ;-)




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