Scores for Saturday 17 April 2021


Yes that's right, Triangles!!

It was a triangle themed day today. On the second hole after some fairly conventional approach shots, Paul G and Martin D were assessing their distance from the hole. 
    "Is it you or me?" asks Martin
    "I think we're about even" suggested Paul knowingly
    "that's an isosceles triangle" Paul added happily
    "so my angle is 60 degrees then!" said Martin as he prepared to take his shot
    "that would make it an equilateral triangle" chucked Paul
    "If I miss the put I'm blaming you" said Martin
Martin went on to put out for par!

Other talk of triangles came from the first group where lucky Tone, obviously excited by the fact that the world snooker championship started today, was using his knowledge of angles to bounce of the sides of the course back into play. This would've resulted in a win had Tony's luck not ran out part way through the round!

Controversy this week also with word that the mysterious D is said to have criticised one of our group (none other than the not Mysterious D, Martin Deery) for placing his ball after picking, raking, adding some sand and building a nice sandcastle as a tee. No-one was really sure who the Mysterious D was so I did some research and it turns out that Adrian & the Mysterious D (A Plus D) were an American DJ duo who helped popularize mashup and bootleg music in America during the noughties. 

Anyway Martin wasn't having any of this and claims that it came to him in a dream during lockdown that "henceforth thou shall rake in the bunker and place thy ball where-ever thou shall want." He awoke to the smell of a pile of burning maple or was it burning bush? He couldn't find the email that he dreamt of surprisingly so we'll just put that one down to experience. Hope you're feeling better about your life now Martin!

Anyhow, today's golf....

The weather was near perfect. A slight chill in the air but blue skies and beautiful sunshine all around. There had to be some high scoring today.... didn't there?

Well, the course was having none of it. The recent dry conditions have made for some interesting bounce and run-on causing some challenges off the tee and around the greens. 

Tony started well posting 17 (including today's only birdies on 3 and 9) on the front 9 despite blobs on 4 and 5 and was looking strong on the back 9 with a string of 3 pointers on 11 through 14, but lucked out on the only scoring 4 points on the last 4 holes leaving the door open for John James to take the honours on countback with 33 points. Well done John!

Tony was relegated to second place which is just his luck. Unlucky Tone!

Andy Simpkin managed to scrape together 18 points to take the front 9 despite two blobs. Well done Andy. 

James Miller recovered from having a worst gross score than Tony after 3 holes to post 17 on the back 9. James won the back 9 on countback from yours truly thanks to my 5 put (yes 5 put!!) on the 16th hole. James was only a couple of points off a win today, watch out everyone! Well done James

Combination cup next week gentlemen so good luck to those taking part and see you in a couple of weeks for the next swindle.


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