Scores for Saturday 10 July 2021

When we last swindled, England were making there way through the group stages of the Euros and none of us would've imagined that the next swindle would be the eve of an England vs Italy final at Wembley! Well today it is the eve of that final and the omens are good with lady luck shining down on the group today and keeping the rain away.

Before we get to the scoring etc. a request from DS to stop leaving the ball lifter thingies up when you leave the green. Apparently two groups were accused of doing this so best the rest of us learn from their error and make sure they are down before you leave the green. This hopefully only applies for the next 9 days and in any case only applies to Andy Simpkin!!! Martin Lythgoe was guilty by association I believe. 

Perfect conditions for golf today with hardly any wind and some good scoring. Average stableford of 30.15 and average gross down at 92.54. 

Birdies today were surprisingly scarce. Steve Reynolds (17) and Duncan Miller (5)

Our group was hampered by Mr Motivator (Richard Hyne) and his words of encouragement. "That was a good shot, much better than your last one" etc. Personally I the best front 8 I think I've ever played only to blob the ninth and follow-up with a weak back 9. Steve was clearly more distracted by the words of wisdom and failed to achieve his customary 2nd place.

Well Richard drew inspiration from playing with Steve and I and despite a slow start managed to muster an net par and bag 36 points, enough to take the top spot. Well done Richard, inspiring stuff!

Pete Laurence beat Martin Lythgoe, Coenraad and myself on countback with 32 points to take second place. Well done Pete, scoring 18 on the back 9 is obviously the way to go, I'll try that next time!

Peter Creighton took the front 9 with 21 points with Coenraad and myself both snapping at his heals with 20 points. Well done Peter, shame about not scoring on the last two holes, a point would've been enough for 2nd!

Roger Small took the back 9 with 16 points. Well done Roger.

James Miller is struggling to find form right now so Steve is sitting pretty in the Gross Eclectic table with a 2 point lead over the Millers. I'm sure it wont be too long before James hits a purple patch and bumps Steve into 2nd place. It's written in the stars after all. 

For those who didn't pick it up from the WhatsApp, Steve missed out and came second in the plate last week. His understanding that he was first lasted for all of 30 minutes before Richard put him straight. I've included a little song that I posted on the chat.....

 I had my name on the board the say
Then Richard phoned and said it’s gone away
Oh I believe in yesterday. 

I’m the bridesmaid that I used to be 
There’s no plate being presented to me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why did they get the score wrong, I don’t know they wouldn’t say
I said this is all wrong, now I long for yesterday 

Golf was such an easy game to play 
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday 

Why did they get the score wrong, I don’t know they wouldn’t say
I was first and now I lost, now I long for yesterday 

Golf was such an easy game to play 
Now I’m in second place what can I say 
Oh, I believe in yesterday 
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Other suggestions included - You're simply (nearly) the best, Tina Turner. Always a bridesmaid, Billy Joel. I second that emotion, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles. Seconds, U2. My favourite.... 21 seconds to go, So Solid Crew. The list goes on and on. Keep plugging away Steve!

Another comp next week so good luck to all those taking part and see you this evening at JJs. 



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