Scores for Saturday 14 August 2021

Today I thought I'd share a few images that captured some of the highlights

Yes, Dr Doolittle AKA Andy Simpkin - reported as "speaking to the swans" today telling them they are not welcome to join Andy for tees. Were they the same swans that were stalking Pete Creighton on the 10th?

Just one of the many bunkers found by Paul Gardner today, at least he got out of this one on the first attempt. The ball landed just out of shot to the right. 

And finally where my second shot came to rest on the 12th, a 6 iron from just in front of the hedge in case you're wondering. What a lucky shot!

It was a fine morning with sun trying to break through as we traversed the course. The ground was very hard due to the wind and dry conditions over recent days, quite a contrast from last week I imagine. This presented a potential hazard for any wayward shots as the long rough is still somewhere you really don't want to stray at the moment and the run on was significant today. 

I told the story of a bird killed by a ball off the tee at Verulam golf club recently and a debate ensued about whether a ball which hits a bird should be played where it lies or should be replayed. 

There are two rules

Rule 18-1 says that if a ball is moved by an outside agency (anyone or anything that isn't involved in your round, caddies excluded), the ball must be replaced at the spot where it was moved, without penalty. ... You must also put your ball back in its original resting spot if it's struck by another ball.

Rule 11-1 however, says that if a ball hits a person or outside influence (a) there is no penalty to a player and (b) the ball must be played where it lies 
There are two exceptions to this rule (1) where the ball comes to rest on a person or outside influence the player can take relief without penalty and (2) where the shot is played from the putting green where the stroke MUST be replayed without penalty from the original spot. 

An interesting couple of rules and it's worth noting that in the case of the dead bird, the tee shot counts and the ball should be played within 1 club length of where the bird came to it's final resting place. Had the ball deflected rather than coming to rest where it did, play it as it lies. 

Another rule that was in question today was whether the internal OOB boundary posts on 12 can be moved if the ball comes to rest against the post - section 8A deals with OOB and the relevant section dealing with OOB markers....

Boundary objects are not permitted to be moved and free relief is generally not given, but the Committee may provide for relief from these stakes through the following Model Local Rule, which should also clarify the status of these stakes.

It seems that the boundary line is defined by the line between the stakes so if the ball comes to rest against the post in bounds then it is in bounds. You cannot stand out of bounds to play a shot and cannot move the stakes. It seems you can risk injury or broken club if you wish but you can also take relief as the ball unplayable. 

Anyway, enough of these rules, it's just golf after all!!

Today proved to be tougher than expected but the scoring was not bad with an average gross score of 93.2 and average stableford score of 30.14

Only one birdie today for Steve Reynolds on 3, well done Steve.

The top spot went to Coenraad Fourie with 35 points. Coenraad was shooting for a monster score but blobs on 9, 15 and 16 kept it down to a good score. Well done Coenraad, good round.

The second spot went to Pete Laurence with 34 points. Pete started well with 19 on the front 9 but two blobs on the back 9 kept his score down. still, 12 out of 18 pars goes down as a good round in most peoples book. Well done Pete.

The front 9 went to Jock Hunter with 21 points. Jock couldn't keep it going however and only managed 11 points on the back 9. Well done Jock. 

Last and probably least today the back 9 goes to yours truly with 19 points. I took a while to get going and the front 9 was way below the standard I've set myself recently but that's what happens when you go off for a weekend and get drunk! Well done me.

Have a great week all and take a look at the eclectic tables, they're looking different to the last few years!


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