Scores for Saturday 18 September 2021

Perfect golfing conditions this Saturday, light winds and clear skies, should result in some good scores and it generally did! This reporter was relaxing in his swanky free hotel room admiring views of the Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the Thames after a free evening on the tiles down at Guildhall so was relying on stand-in reporter Martin Deery for the scoop this week.

The scoop was Steve Reynolds apparently having trouble sticking to the fairways, in fact having trouble sticking to the course. Much time apparently spent looking for Steve's ball by Steve's group. Steve's score reflected what sounded like a challenging day for our bridesmaid. Martin shared a couple of pictures which I believe are evidence of misappropriation of fairway! I have not included the pictures as it and the story that goes with it may incriminate one or more of our group. Martin may wish to elaborate when you play with him next!

Onto the scores. An average score of 31.4 points today and an average gross score of just 91.9.

There was a bit of confusion caused by Group 3 scorer inserting a column on the scorecard which caused a problem retrieving the scores. All fixed now.

Birdies for Pete Laurence (18) and Richard Hyne (10 and 18) Well done both.

Our winner today, with only his second placing this year and his first win of the year, is Jock Hunter. Jock managed 39 points with a steady 20 out and 19 in, a gross score of 84 points. Well done Jock!

In second place with 36 points on countback from Stephen Brewerton is John James. Congratulations John!

The front 9 was taken by Peter Creighton with 19 points. Peter couldn't keep it going and only managed 13 points on the back 9 but still a respectable 32 points overall. Well done Peter!

Last but by no means least is Martin Lythgoe who takes the back 9 with 20 points. Martin managed 35 points and I believe was the leader in the club house for a short while. 

I shall hopefully be able to report on my experience driving the Mobile Bat next week, a replica of the original 1960s Bat Mobile, an iconic car. This is a 50th birthday present that I'm finally getting to experience delayed due to Covid. 

Have a great week gentlemen. 


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