Scores for Saturday 16 October 2021

Paul Gardner on the 10th today

It certainly feels like autumn now. The days are getting shorter and the leaves are falling yet still they haven't cut the long rough back!! Rain has been falling and the sun has lost it's intensity so the ground is now much softer than a month ago which is creating some better scoring opportunities although our scoring probably doesn't show this. 

Before we get to the scores we have a few highlights. Firstly a shout out for the apples between 11 and 14. Trees planted 5-6 years ago are now delivering some tasty eaters according to the intrepid Jock Hunter who discovered this while exploring the rough no doubt looking for balls. 

An unlucky break for Roger Small today on the 17th, apparently heading for the pin!

Worth a mention is my experience on the 13th. I hit a wayward drive over the trees on the right of the fairway and discovered the approach to the green nicely blocked by trees. I took my medicine and chipped over the hedge onto the 12th fairway. Seeing the last of our group on the tee I moved over to the out of bounds markers safely guarded by the trees to wait out the group taking their shots. One shot nicely on the fairway, one in the trees over my head, missing me marginally. No sign of a 3rd but I can see the group moving down from the tee so I step out to take my shot. Roger Small has hit his ball a short distance from the tee near the trees to the top right of the 12th fairway. He's aiming in my direction so naturally I think I am safe, moments later I'm ducking for cover as the ball is heading straight for me. The ball missed me but hit the spot where I had been standing when the shot was taken. A warning to all of you, don't mess with Roger's fairway!!

Onto the scores for the day and they were not great. Average Gross was 94.3 and the average stableford was down at 29.85, lowest for a while. 

Birdies today for Paul Gardner (9) and Pete Laurence (8) Well done gents.

Our winner today, Paul "Metro Gnome" Gardner went round in 87 gross scoring 37 points off his ever decreasing 17 handicap. 20 points out and 17 in despite blobs on 12 and 13. Well done Paul, great round. Paul's cocky demeanour was very distracting for JJ today, particularly on the front 9 but he managed to put it out of his mind a bit on the back 9.

In second place, of course, it's Steve "the Bridesmaid" Reynolds with 36 points. He could win POTY at this rate with a record number of second places. Well done Steve.

Steve Brewerton managed 18 out to take the front 9. He was only 2 over gross after 5 holes but it kinda went south after that. Well done Steve, the first 5 holes were great! Steve snatched the prize away from Andy Simpkin making it even sweeter ;-)

Coenraad Fourie took the back 9 with 17 points on countback from Martin Deery. Well done Coenraad.


  1. Comment of the day runner up:
    "I worked out the other day that I've only got 6000 useful days left in my lifetime" - Andy Simpkin musing on the reality of life.

    Comment of the day winner:
    "You where there's a toilet I like to visit?" - Roger Small opening line to a description of a contender for best toilet view on the planet with an apparent fine Norfolk landscape to enjoy when nature calls.


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