Scores for Saturday 13 August 2022


Well this image says it all. Tony had it in his grasp, his first win of the season was there for him to reach out and take, all he needed was to par the last hole!! Well, as with Rory in 2011 with his famous masters miss, he didn't par the last hole, in fact he didn't score on the last hole. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them, then there's Rony.... Let's face it Rone, you were a little unlucky!

Today was hot! I dont mean a day that made me sweat a little or a day that made me appreciate a nice cool shower, I mean a day that made me feel like I was Frodo at the end of the Lord of the Rings saga when he's trying to drop the ring into mount doom! The shade gave us a little respite but by 10am the ground was hot, our feet were hot and Jock looked like a lobster in a pot! 

So, knowing it was going to be hot I came prepared. I had bamboo socks, an ice pack and 3 bottles of iced water to keep me in the zone. Along with the umbrella which went up after 3 holes, I had a strategy to stay cool on a hot day and it seems that it worked! 

As I write this, I'm even hotter than I was on the course but I'm home and looking forward to a nice cold shower as soon as I finish the administration. 

Enough about me there were others out there today and they were on fire (literally I think) Duncan for instance was finding new and impossible ways of scoring and had it not been for the case of the mysterious disappearing ball on the 5th, he might have taken the prize. It was however not to be. It does raise the question of picking up lost balls on the course. I would caution that you should take great care to ensure that you know a ball is actually lost before picking it up, especially in current dry conditions with balls travelling far further than you'd normally expect. If in doubt, leave the ball alone, it may have come from somewhere you'd never have dreamt of and the owner will not be happy if they cannot locate it after you've dropped it into your "found balls" bag! In this case I think the Aldwickbury fairies have it!

We had a couple of retirees today: Pete had to drop out after 3 holes with a bad back and Richard managed 13 before dropping out due to the onset of a migraine. Get well soon both of you. 

Birdies today: Duncan (2, 6) Jock (3) and Steve Reynolds (2 and 8) Well done all!

Our winner today was yours truly with a solid 36 points. I also entered the Monthly mixed Stableford which I seem to be top of the leader-board at time of writing. Well done me. 

In second place with an equally solid 35 points is Duncan. Duncan scoring his first points of the season means that no-one has no points in the POTY stakes, well done everyone and well done Duncan!

The front 9 went to Jock with 18 points. Jock played quite brilliantly today despite his slightly pink appearance on the back 9. Well done Jock, great round!

Last but not least, Roger Gibbs took the back 9 with 17 points on countback from Peter Creighton. Another point puts you in the top spot of single points earned so far this season. Well done Roger!

It would be remiss of me not to mention that the opinion in the club house was that it was great that all the winners this week had prevented Andy from winning more points. Maybe harsh but I guess you become a target when you're sitting on top of the table. 

Have a great week all, see you next week, enjoy your holidays OR get well soon, whichever applies. 


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