Scores for Saturday 24 September 2022


As we come to terms with the latest chapter in UK PLC with yet another new government and prospects of yet more financial chaos, we take to the golf course with the feel of autumn in the air. 

Yes, we're officially past the autumnal equinox and winter is coming! Single figure temperatures to start the day to day and a light but very northerly breeze to keep us company. The course continues to recover well following the drought and I'm sure we'll be squelching around before too long. 

We had a light turnout again today with just 10 players making up the field. Scores were slightly better than last week but average stableford and gross scores were at 29.3 and 93.4 respectively, far from our best. 

Birdies today for Steve Reynolds (17) James Miller (16) Duncan Miller (3 and 10) and Brian (9) Well done all.

Duncan's birdie was very nearly an eagle from the rough on the right side of the fairway. A spectacular shot left him about 2 inches from the hole, so close he couldn't even manage to miss the putt. 

The picture above is Martin running to retrieve his trolley while we were playing the 14th. He shoved his trolley towards the 15th tee and it just kept on going. "I don't think that's going to stop Martin" says Brian, "No, I don't think it is" says Martin, musing for a few moments before trotting after it. He sunk his par putt once he'd recaptured his breath though, no harm done.

Today's winner is Martin Lythgoe. Martin had to visit the doctor this week after picking up a cough last weekend which it transpires is resulting from his rather bad dose of covid which he contracted last year. His lungs are apparently those of a 70 year old man, which given his age you'd think is a good thing? Anyway the steroids are definitely performance enhancing as evidenced by today's 36 points. A solid round of 89 gives Martin the winners rosette. Well done Martin.

Steve Reynolds resumed his customary position of 2nd place this week with 35 points and a round  of 81. Steve won the mini breakaway LIV EB tour last week so probably was due a second place. Well done Steve. 

The front 9 went to Andy Simpkin this week with 16 points. Well done Andy. 

The back 9 went to James Miller with 17 points despite a blob on the 18th. Well done James. 

Have a wonderful week gentlemen, looking forward to the Autumn Cup next weekend at Wokefield Park. 


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