Scores for Saturday 12 November 2022


Some people say "low handicap golfers are lucky!" some say "the more you practice the luckier you get" some say "depend on the rabbits foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit!" whatever some say I say that Pete Laurence was NOT lucky on Saturday. In fact on the first hole he hit a fantastic drive down the middle of the fairway and we couldn't find the ball, no luck there. He also hit the tree to the left of the fairway on 4 and we couldn't find that ball, no luck (or ball) in site there!. You can see by his front 9 that he wasn't lucky starting his round. The key for me in posting an eventual net par round is that he persevered. Of perseverance people say "The only guarantee for failure is to give up" and "A bend in the road is not the end of the road" and "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" I thought I'd open with these words this week inspired by Pete Laurance not giving up!!

As for the golf this week, what a wonderful day out on the golf course. Almost perfect (if somewhat muddy) conditions. Warm sunshine and virtually no wind made for a great day out. 

A few more birdies this week: Steve Reynolds (17) Pete Laurence (11, 15 and 16!) John James (14) and yours truly (18) 

In first place a man who is playing so much golf it's quicker to ask about the days he hasn't played this week, Steve (Bridesmaid) Reynolds took the top spot with 38 points. Another solid round for Steve on what's proving to be a very successful year. Well done Steve.

In second place, Pete Laurence with a very solid 36 points thanks to 22 on the back 9. This included a put from off the green on 11  for birdie and a chip-in birdie on 15 after a tee shot which accompanied my ball on the 13th fairway! Well done Pete (no surrender) Laurence.

The front 9 went to Martin Deery with 19 points. Well done Martin.

The back 9 went to Lucky TonE with 20 points. Well done TonE.

A special thanks to Andy Simpkin this week for coming last and making mine and John's scores look reasonable!

Finally a quick word on the rankings as we approach the end of the season. 

POTY has 4 contenders in the running at present with Pete leading the pack with 29 points, Andy Simpkin and Steve Reynolds with 28 and yours truly with 26. Steve Reynolds and Pete Laurence are clearly the form players but as Andy will tell you it's easier to chase than stay in front so who knows what will happen next. 

Pete, Steve and Andy also head up the RTDB table with Roger Gibbs and Jock snapping at there heals. 

Steve Reynolds and Steve Brewerton are heading up the Gross Eclectic table with Duncan Miller and Pete Laurence snapping at their heals. 

Roger Small is heading up the Stableford Eclectic table 2 points clear of yours truly. 

Have a great week gents, see you next week!!


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