Scores for Saturday 2 September 2023


Stand-in reporter Martin Lythgoe reports on Saturdays round while I adjust to the hell of Sorrento. 

So, the weather is beginning to get a bit hotter – and so is the golf. The morning began a bit overcast, becoming sunny but with no chance of meatballs. Just lots of found golf balls. Especially for me, your stand-in for Brian “Thomas Cook” Geddes, on the first. 7 quality balls were found, not one of which was Richard’s after his tee-shot went ‘a bit woody’.


4x3 balls today with ‘a member’ joining Group 3 – rumour has it he wants to join the esteemed Early Birds – I shall leave that one to the powers that be. Richard and I were joined by Andy ‘I’m Back’ Simpkin after 5 weeks of not being able to hit the back end of cow with a banjo.


Andy had to bugger off early, so Richard and I enjoyed watching the other groups come in from the terrace to see if Richard’s 34 was to be beaten. It was. Yet another fine performance by James M with a score 37.


Coming in second was Paul ‘The Metrognome’ Gardener with a very steady 36. Roger ‘Did you see where it went?’ Small picked up the Front 9 with 18 points. Back 9 went to Richard with a mahoosive 21. Well done all.


A few notable moments were Lucky Tone's valiant effort to shoot out from under a bush, Steve ‘Nick of time’ Brewerton’s 30 ft putt on 18 for birdie (it even attracted a ripple of applause from the multitude on the terrace). And it was noticed that the rclub’s ecruitment policy  has improved, ahem.


Normal service will be resumed in a week or two when Brian returns. I’m off to Rhodes on Tuesday – I believe it’s on fire – so see you also in a week or two. And finally, if anyone wants to join the Autumn Cup fun do get in touch with Martin L – me. We just about caught a straggler this week in Mr Gardener. We have 15 atm, so another bod would round it up nicely. Tara.








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