Scores for Saturday 25 November 2023


Of all the things to complain about, sunshine shouldn't be one of them. However on the first few holes it made seeing and following balls really difficult and slowed down play quite a bit. Added to this, the roping on the second hole is going a bit far IMHO. Still, it was a beautiful day and it was a pleasure to be out on the course.

On the first tee Richard suggested that he was looking more like Santa every day. I mention this because you'd expect Santa to be of a cheery disposition but it stands to reason that as he approaches his busiest time of the year he's bound to be feeling a bit less than festive. Richard stayed in character for the whole round cheering us all up with his laughs and smiles, his carefree demeanour and his excellent banter. For those of us that prefer to listen to audio books than read I should probably point out that this is an example of irony for sadly Richard was a grumpy old grinch. It is said that a cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition but I can say from experience that a sunny day is no match for a cloudy disposition. In Richard's defence he did explain that he'd been on the eggnog already, no doubt training for the millions of brandy's he has to get through on Christmas eve. Thankfully Richard's mood was not reflected in the quality of his golf. Oh, sorry there I go again being ironic!

It was quite tricky out there and it was reflected in the scoring with an average gross score of 95.8 and stableford of 27.09.

There were only 3 birdies out there this week: Steve Reynolds (9 and 14!) and Andy Simpkin!? (18) Well done gents. 

Paul Gardner, AKA metrognome was back in form today with 32 points. He started brilliantly with 19 points out and fell apart a bit on the back 9 but still managed to bring home the bacon. Well done Paul, great form to take into the Christmas Cup.

Pete Laurence took second place with 30 points on countback from Martin Deery. Pete started slowly, struggling to score when the frost was sill on the ground but he sharpened up on the back 9 as the sun started to take the edge off the cold. Well done Pete. 

The front 9 went to Martin Deery with 18 points. Well done Martin.

The back 9 went to Andy Simpkin with 17 points. Well done Andy.

Turkey Trot next week, hope you've got your teams sorted out!

Have a great week all.


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