Scores for Saturday 27 April 2024


As we reach a certain age it is important that we never leave home without our spectacles. It seems that this week's winner may've rectified his vision issues seen on tour last week or maybe he just played well.

This reporter wasn't paying any attention to weather or conditions in the UK this week as he's been relaxing in Menorca and due to the busy couple of weeks leading up to this he neglected to delegate reporting responsibilities so we'll focus on the scoring this week.

We welcomed an old/new Early Bird back to the group this week, Jason Landau. I've not had the pleasure of meeting/playing with Jason yet but I'll have a go at describing his round. Not great! Now I'm sure it's just a case of nerves as I know you lot can be an intimidating bunch and I'm sure once Jason gets into the swing of things he'll be bounding up the leader boards and invoking the usual cries of "bandit" "handicap cut" "lucky ...." etc. At this stage we'll put it down to a slow start with a reasonable finish. Welcome Jason, 2 more rounds and you'll be able to take off the handbrake and start playing ;-)

As a reminder to the rest of the group, Jason's scores will not count for 3 rounds to allow for calibration of handicap so his paid/winnings will be zero until the fourth round and I'll need to make adjustments to the scorecard should he do something as outrageous as "winning" 

The scoring looked reasonable this week so I'm assuming conditions were favourable or maybe people were taking comfort on being back on home soil. Average gross score was 95.2 and stableford was 30.75 with more than half the field breaking through 30 points. 

There were only 3 birdies this week which was maybe due to fast greens following the tour visit in the week? Andy Simpkin (12) Steve Brewerton (12) and Pete Laurence (8) Well done gents ... although technically two of these are pars? discuss...

Our winner this week is Andy Simpkin with 37 points on countback from Duncan Miller. Well done Andy, a nice round despite the blob on 5 and a few single pointers on the back 9. 

Duncan Miller couldn't quite manage his 38 points of last week but still posted a solid score that normally would've taken the main prize. Well done Duncan.

The front 9 went to Martin Lythgoe with 18 points, another round (35) that would've been a contender any other week. Well done Martin.

The back 9 went to Tony Froud who couldn't obviously took a trip back to the car on the turn to pick up his lucky rabbit foot? Well done Tony.

Looking forward to playing next week but I'll sign off now to go finish enjoying the sunshine now that the winds have finally dropped a bit. 


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