Scores for Saturday 18 May 2024


Yes, he's back, the metro-gnome finally back in saddle and swinging straight and true. 

The conditions were perfect for golf, the sun being kept at bay preventing overheating and the wind being light enough to make little difference to our shots. The scoring certainly reflected that with stableford average up at 32.9 and gross average down at 92.4. 

There were 4 birdies out there this week. Paul Gardner (14) Brian (11) Steve Reynolds (8, 17) Well done gents. 

Martin Lythgoe couldn't reach the heights of his mid-week one-man-medal round apparently hitting the ball well but running out of runway and losing balls. This was definitely a feature of the round today as the rough has gotten very thick over recent weeks and makes it difficult to find balls and even if you do it makes it very difficult to play. 

The first group managed positions 1-4 today so maybe we should think about playing together in the next team competition?

Worth mentioning James' attempt on the 12th today. He drove his ball into the middle of the lower part of the hedge. We located the ball in a person sized gap in the middle of the hedge and James climbed into the hedge to play the ball out. A remarkable recovery allowed James to score his par on the now par 5 hole! Well done James, 2 points well earned there!

An unofficial early bird on the 10th!!....

Our winner this week, Paul Gardner, managed a stunning 43 points (20/23) on what was an excellent round of golf. He's always hit the ball straight but now he's hitting it straighter and longer than ever. He eased into the first 5 holes scoring a point followed by 2 points per hole up to the 6th where he 7 x 3+ point holes. Superb golf Paul, congratulations!

In second place again this week I managed another 37 point round. The par threes were my main issue today and the 9th hole caused me some problems also. However, today was all about even number scoring for 17 out of the 18 holes today including 4x4 pointers! Well done me.

John James took the front 9 with 19 points on countback from Pete Laurence. Well done John!

Steve Brewerton took the back 9 today with 19 points. Well done Steve!

Hopefully the weather stays with us for the coming weeks, it was great being out there today!

Have a wonderful week all!


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