Due to Brian moving in the next few weeks the newsletter team is looking for a person to assist with the production of this newsletter, do you have the skills required, a flair for an arty production, at least a grade C in English Language 'O' level or GCSE. Please make contact. No interview required and no remuneration provided, what more could you want? Anyway on to the golf.................... The day started out a bit chilly but turned into a beautiful day. The course was in fabulous condition with the bunkers that were in play in a good state. Lots of work going on around the course with a number of bunkers being worked on and the removal of the old winter green on the second, how many more will disappear I wonder? A chip in for Andy Simpkin on the 6th to make a par even though it was a thinned shot, but I won't mention that. A monster 50ft putt for Jason on a hole that escapes my memory, told you I would forget by the time I got home Pete L. The average gross score...
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