
Showing posts from December, 2021

Scores for Saturday 18 December 2021 - POTY showdown

  Well, in 2020 I got done by two MDs, in 2021 it seems I got done again by two MDs. -           2021: My MD advised me not to play golf after I had fallen drunkenly from a train preventing me playing for the two points I needed to regain the POTY top spot which had recently been taken by M artin Lythgoe and to add insult to injury D uncan Miller also leapfrogged me on the last day to share the spoils with Martin. -           2021: My MD told me to self-isolate after testing positive for the dreaded Covid-19 virus which has been responsible for a couple of years of grief. Then on the last day of the season M artin D eery swoops in to take the top spot with a nail-biting win, which we’ll get to later. As I write this report and reflect on what could have been this season, I could allow myself to be despondent thinking about what could’ve been, but I think this was meant to be a year of ...

Christmas Cup - Saturday 11 December 2021

Fair conditions with a mild ground frost to start the day made for a Christmassy feel to this years competition. A field of 14 set out to compete in the 4th annual Christmas "Cup", competing for an IOU as the "Cup" is safely behind bars in Martin Deery's trophy room, Richard Hyne having entrusted Martin to look after the "Cup" as he didn't have a trophy room himself. The first few greens were a little challenging to due to frost but conditions were near perfect for this time of year, if you ignore the sticky mud that is.  A few adjustments to swindle scores applied as win adjustments were lifted for this competition and scores did not count towards annual statistics so good scoring was anticipated.  There were birdies this week for Roger Small (18) Pete Laurence (5, 14) Brian Geddes (7,11) Jock Hunter (7)  James Miller (5,9) and Duncan Miller (9) Well done all. Richard had organised nearest the pins for the par 3s with no longest drive to give some...