Scores for Saturday 20 January 2024
Well it was quite cold this week and that made for some quite random golf. The first hold didn't bode well for Duncan and I as he did his usual grass cutter to the top of the fairway and I sliced into the trees on the right, clearly we both needed to warm up. We found my ball in the leaves with no real back swing. Foolishly I tried to take a shot but managed to bury the ball somewhere directly in front of me. Sadly Pete Laurence didn't follow me in this week to find my ball. Hey ho. Only one birdie this week and it goes to Peter Creighton on 3. Apparently he chipped in from the bunker, clearly preferring that shot to taking relief for the out of play bunkers. Still, no pictures on the scorecard hey Pete? Well done! Scoring was very difficult in the conditions with good shots being punished for accuracy (hitting the green) and some middle of the fairway shots bouncing unkindly left or right to finish in the deep rough. Average gross score was 95 and average stableford was 27.69,...