
Showing posts from August, 2024

Scores for Saturday 17 August 2024

  Magic man was out with us on the course today. Paul Gardner (AKA Paul Daniels?) performed some pretty amazing slight of hand/magic with the ball on the putting green. We watched in amazement as he putted the ball straight through the flag to the opposite side of the hole. Had he done this just once we would've suspected it was just a fluke and maybe our good old friend lady luck was up to no good but he repeated this feat on a number of occasions. Did he make the ball disappear and reappear or was it the hole? Either way we were all perplexed by this show. Steve Brewerton had a go at doing what Paul was doing but could only manage to sling-shot round the hole and end some way back from where he came. Best leave these dark arts to those who understand them! Paul tried to play it down by missing a certain put on 16 by hitting the ground before the ball but we were not fooled by this, we've seen what he is capable of. Behind us on 16, Steve Reynolds found a way to avoid putting

Scores for Saturday 10 August 2024

  From Wikipedia... Luck  is the phenomenon and belief that defines the experience of improbable events, especially improbably positive or negative ones. The  naturalistic  interpretation is that positive and negative events may happen at any time, both due to random and non-random natural and artificial processes, and that even improbable events can happen by  random chance . In this view, the epithet "lucky" or "unlucky" is a descriptive label that refers to an event's positivity, negativity, or improbability. Well there was some good luck to be witnessed out on the course today for sure. The luck of Jock on the 13th hole where his duff second shot trickled through the hedge and came to rest in the drop zone for the path. There was the luck of my second shot on the 16th which went into and out of the bunker to give me a shot at reaching with the 3rd shot. There was no doubt some bad luck also with puts not quite dropping, the unfortunate bounces into the rough

Scores for Saturday 3 August 2024

  After the recent hot spell it was almost a relief to wake up to evidence of rainfall and the threat of showers as we embarked on this weeks melee at Aldwickbury Park. Some confusion this week as Pete Laurence had dropped out with Covid (get well soon Pete) and Coenraad turned up to take his place only to realise he was actually already down to play. This is what happens to people who have reached that time of life where every day is pretty much the same as the rest, I know!  Anyhow, all was well and 11 turned out to what was to prove to be a pretty good day of golf.  The benign conditions resulted in some excellent scores. 10 out of the 11 players managed to score 30 points or more and it was pretty tight as the range of those 10 was only 9 points. 33.73 was the average stableford score and our gross score average was 94.  There were 8 birdies out there today including a remarkable 3 birdies in our group on the 11th hole. I think this may be a record and as one of the birdie scorers