
Showing posts from January, 2025

Scores for Saturday 18 January 2025

Weather today was cold and overcast with no rain. The new bunkers are now in play as well as most of the others. The course was looking great after the frozen conditions of late. A few dropouts today with four people playing in the Winter Knockouts, unfortunately Roger and Richard lost but the Miller brothers won. We started with 8 players but unfortunately lost Stevie B on the first tee with an injury sustained before the golf, this preventing him from swinging the club. Took the wise decision to withdraw. This meant the new 5 to 7 player rule came into action. This meant that normal monies were taken and prizes for 1st, 2nd and F9/B9 awarded. No POTY points are awarded but handicaps are adjusted by half points and eclectics are updated. Who would have thought the first week after it was introduced it would be used. Scoring was quite low with the winner only scoring 32 points, well done to maestro Peter Laurence. Lucky Tony coming second on 30 points. Paul looking to beat Andy's l...

Scores for Saturday 04 January 2025

So we start the year with all the POTY, RTDB and Eclectic tables reset. We do not reset handicaps nor reset the winners' penalties they just roll on from last year.  A very frosty day today but no wind. The ground was hard making it difficult getting tees into the ground and many an erratic bounce. The field today was depleted by CBL players and one dropout due to the weather. I think most players found the conditions challenging, with players scoring around the 28 point mark. I good win for Steve B with a commendable 34 points a good start to the season. Dan Smith is now able to win as he has completed three games, this being his fourth and he starts with a back 9 win, well done Dan. Not many reported highlights today except my group, Roger S, Jock and Jason all scoring a par four on the second, a great team score if there was a team score which there isn't.  The average gross score today was 95.09 points and the average Stableford score was 27.27. Best gross of the day was ...